Wednesday, June 11, 2008

ur heart n ur actions = they're not always sychronized

sometimes u just have something set in ur mind n heart...but somehow u just dun follow it...n perhaps not being able or strong enough to do it.. u juz let things be, as d flow goes..
sometimes u have a certainty, or even an answer to ur doubts n questions in ur heart..but somehow u dun act as planned..
at times u tink of sumting else, u wanna do something else, but somehow it just doesn't turn out as how it was set in ur heart n mind, but just wutever that turns out at that particular moment..
is this how things are..rarely having the heart n actions being in the same path or in one line..
those two could just be diverted into two different places..
sometimes it just slips out of control..
n perhaps not as how u want it 2 be or how u had planned it from ur heart..
d only thing that's sure is d fact dat..
only 'He' knows best n have control of everyting in this world..even d smallest heart dat's in it black, or white..


Ida said...

laling, def know how u feel when things don't really go the way u planned. lol. but i guess things happen for a reason right? n most of the time (hopefully) it's for the better. :D

-LyS- said...

huhu..yeah, usuallu everyting happen for a reason...good reasons (fingers crossed)..hehe..;p..thanx for comment love :)

.zye. 자이's said...

reality doesnt really sync with our thoughts...but it does bring some memory...

n ida's right...things happen for a reason.whether we just ignore it or accept it. :)

-LyS- said...

hey zye,,thanx for dropping by..:)..yup true, smtimes we tink of doing smting else, but turns out dat we do it d other way round..huhu..but perhaps d memory it brings are d precious ones :)