Saturday, February 20, 2010

the dreams you dream

I'd love to touch the sky,
And reach the stars above.
I'd love to climb the mountains,
And sail in the seven seas.

But still,
I haven't even got out of bed,
I haven't even reached the starting line,
Nor I am even prepared for the journey.

I can't see where I'm heading to,
Or where this route will bring me.

Forget about the sky, the mountains,
I am not even capable of reaching the ceilings,
Or even climbing up the rooftop.


waz said...

aww u sound so pessimistic? ..come on chin up..its good to have high-end dreams..if its too high, u can start by having short term goals..?like d 'ceilings' and 'rooftops'..those are great anyways ;) as long as you're moving & doing the thgs you're suppose to do..kan?.:D *hugs*

-LyS- said...

hehe..ive always been a pessimist these days..;p..u'r right waz, thanx hun ;-*