Saturday, March 15, 2008

where's d love

when u tink ur life is full of problems..
juz remember that there r ppl out there who may face probs dat r more huge..
smtimes u juz get too selfish..
n juz care bout urself too much..
until u easily forget bout others..
who need ur care..
ur attention..
or at least ur simple hello..
i guess that's juz how human beings r..
being too bz wif their lives..
n leaving out tings dat they smtimes tink r smting dat's juz unimportant..
n juz better to be ignored..
but wake up, smell d coffee..
where is ur sense of care..
where is ur heart of warmth..
r u juz gonna ignore tings..
n juz let it be..
when u know u hav to b involved..
take it as a challenge from God..
on how u take n perceive tings..
throw away a spoonful of selfishness..
n try to fill in the spaces with care n at least a bit of acknowledgement..
juz try to fill ur heart wif warmth,
or at least show that it's not forgotten,
remember , while it still didnt slip ur mind...


rienmiel said...

so true my dear...
sometimes, we tend to forget...
and ur entry is just like conveying the message of "i just want to remind you, in case u forgot!!!"
thanks for sharing!!!

-LyS- said...

huhu..thanx 2 u for dropping by :)