Tuesday, September 16, 2008


they are the ones who never fail to love us,
no matter how rude or unthoughtful we culd get,
they are always there,
at times we culd b forgetful and get too engrossed in life,
sometimes we dun remember to give a simple hello,
but no matter what they are always there,
sometimes we take for granted and dun show much appreciation,
n we'll never know the tears that they hide from us,
perhaps they just keep it all to themselves,
not wanting to worry us,
they are always willing to do anyting for us,
whether we realize it or not,
all the burden we've cause, only God knows,
taking care of us ever since we entered this world,
appreciate them while we still can,
love them endlessly,
care for them while there is still a chance,
for we cannot imagine a life without them.


Anonymous said...

reading this entry make miss my mak too.
All you said is true.
I'm not close to my mother before and still because I think it is due to my staying at boarding school for 5 years.

but now (I don't know why it is now), I can open my eyes and see all the susah payah and kerja keras my mak have done to me. I took the initiative to start a close bonding with my mak last 3 years and still working on it.

that's all my comment. hehe.


-LyS- said...
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-LyS- said...

hey there, thanx for the comment..hm..myb d older we get d more appreciative we get towards our mom n family members..betol ke..huhu.
btw, y b anonymous? introduce yourself la :D..

amaleenamalek said...

huu..I don't really have much time to construct the best lines for my mum. Whatever it may seem, I always like to extend my warmest love and appreciation to the most wonderful woman called mum. YES!

appreciate them while we still can,
love them endlessly,
care for them while there is still a chance,
for we cannot imagine a life without them.

-LyS- said...

miss u dear eenasan :)