Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nothing is yours forever

Nothing's yours forever,
what u have in your grasp may not last long,
at one moment you're so happy,
so excited owning what you have,
until you forget that it wouldn't forever be yours.

Once God takes it away from you,
it's no longer yours,
only then u realize,
nothing is under your control.

You make plans,
you become happy like the world is yours,
but once it's taken away,
it's gone and never returned.

Perhaps exchanged with a something better,
we never know.

We make plans,

but everything is under God's control.


waz said...

true.. nothing is ours forever. i keep forgetting that myself.. :(

when i think about it, we have no right to be angry when something/someone is taken away from us because nothing is ours actually ...but then, we do... :(

Ida said...

That's so true..I always get upset when didn't get what I want or when nothing goes to plan..and I kept questioning why didn't I get it, and how could other people..and it's so bad of me to think that way, to think I deserve something that I don't because that's not my call. The big guy up there has control over everything.

Anyway lisa, I really love what you wrote. Couldn't have put it any better. *Hugs*

-LyS- said...

waz: yeah, i do too..huhu, i guess coz coz we are just normal human beings, that's wut we do,huhu, hope all is good at your end...take care hun, *hugs* :-*

ida:i question all the time too..huhu, but you're right, the big guy up there has control over everything.
nway, thanx ida,:), love u *hugs*