Thursday, July 24, 2008


define the word above.
perhaps no single sentence culd actually define it.
be it first then u'll know wut it means.
n only then u'll know wut it's like to be it.
wut makes u be like it.
n why r u like it.
wut effect it brings to you.
there are no concrete answers.
but wut's for certain is d fact dat.
u'r just one of 'em.


Ida said...

lisa, u'll always be my crazy fren, n i'll always be urs. ha ha ha.

ps: whyyy soooo serrriooousss??? (in the joker tone)

-LyS- said...

kekeke(u, 2008), [or was it juz 'keke'?]. haha. yup2. u'll always be my fren, no matter sane or not. ;).

ps : d joker was crazy too ;p

-LyS- said...

btw, wut happen to ur blog.i long to read it.hahaha ;p

Fizam Haniff said...

we are crazy.muahahahaha

-LyS- said...

hehehe :D