Monday, November 24, 2008


when i read other people's blogs, i guess my blog is less informative, or in other words, i just write crap.; amazed at how some people could nicely write out their opinions, very useful.well, anyway. there is just approximately 2 weeks left before i go home. frankly speaking, i haven't really done any packing or anything.perhaps i guess im a bit emotionless at the my friend asked me how i was feeling to go back, but all i can is that i am emotionless.or maybe a bit of a mixed feeling.perhaps procrastinators only feel the pressure towards the very end.;p.most of my friends have neatly started to sort out their for me, ive done nothing yet.maybe i should start tonight at least for a bit.time flies so fast, it just moves on so fast, leaving us just makes me wonder what have i been doing for all this while.whether it's worthwhile, or did it just come to waste.well perhaps what im sure of is that there are many things i've learned throughout my stay here, in many could even be the very little things that we go through every single day which teaches us alot.we ask unanswerable questions, we wonder, we figure, but in the end only God knows the best.perhaps some answers are unable to be revealed.only He is the one who knows everything.


AnisS. said...

kak lisa,
im gonna miss u.
n so as the rest of the usrah ppl.

mardotti zaaba said...

lisa, jgn tinggalkan kitorg :(

-LyS- said...

anis & mard - aww, gonna definitely miss u guys :-*

Syafiqah Othman said...
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