Thursday, February 12, 2009


sometimes u wish u had wings,
so that u could fly away from the world that you're in,
so that u could go to a land faraway,
sometimes u wish u could disappear,
so that u could hide and never return,
so that u could not be seen,
sometimes u keep on wishing for things that you know are just far from logic,
u know that u can't keep wishing,
because in the end of the day,
u have to only accept the true facts,
which u may or may not know,
perhaps u try to run away or disappear from it,
but u know that u should face the world of reality,
miles away from the world of fantasy.


AnisS. said...

i've always wished that i could just moved to another country or so.
where no one knows me.
but it's true what u said,
this is the reality that we have to face.
n no matter how bitter it is,
u just have to go through it.

-LyS- said...

yeah, that is so true..
btw, thanx for the comment anis..:)
how r u doing? still in malaysia?
do take care ok :-*