Wednesday, February 18, 2009


sometimes they're not right,
they could be misinterpreted,
sometimes could lead to a feeling of guilt,
because what is said is not received the way you meant for it to be,
sometimes the simplest of it could either brighten your day,
or make you regret for even uttering it,
perhaps should mind the words being said,
because words that are spoken could not be erased,
as how you could simply erase a writing on a piece of paper.


fathiah zulkafli said...

yeap yeap that's so true Lisa.we really have to mind our words especially to those who're not too close to us.this is what i think, coz among my close friends we are free to talk any bad words and they are for no heart feelings.but with those who are just acquaintances,we better not to have the same manner coz they might misunderstand us.

-LyS- said...

hi fathiah. :).
what u say is true too.huhu.
thanx for the comment.
c u around ;)