Monday, December 31, 2007
year end
one more day left, n it's d end of december..and d end of d year 2007..looking back in 2007, i kind of feel dat it's a short one...sbb rse mcm cepat je mase berlalu...short, but banyak je mende yg berlaku dlm tempoh mse yg pendek tu..smtimes time flies so fast..until we forget some of d small tings dat giv a big impact 2 our life..manusia biase la kan, kdg2 mudah je jd lupe n lalai..hmm..frankly speaking, i guess i can't rili c wut i've rili gained particulary in dis yr..myb it's juz d small tings dat we can't see wif our eyes..but juz so happen..throughout d yr i guess some perspective changes, perhaps i learn smting new every wut i shuld or shuldnt do..but of course, i owiz need more time 4 improvement...i guess, even though a yr has passed, there r still some tings dat we juz cant forget about...time juz pass by, but smtimes it doesnt juz leave d memories behind...perhaps it culd juz haunt ur life..2007 yr resolution?...i guess there r some dat i still didnt bwk ke hadapan je la to yr 2008..huhu..overall, i hope i culd learn 2 b a btter person in d time 2 come based on all d experience dat i go thru..hopefully i culd wash away all my wrongdoings n try 2 mend it in some way..
I rarely post an entry like dis one...but this poem i found somewhere, kind of attract my's about Malu...malu itself is a big word...when i was reading thru , i realized dat i was d one yg tbe2 rse malu coz i havent rili fulfilled wut is expected of a girl n a muslim..hmm...let's reflect 2gether...
Aduhai, setiap wanita dikurniakan ALLAH
swt dengan sifat MALU,
Kerana MALU si wanita tahu menjaga
Kerana Malu si wanita tahu menilai
batas-batas sosialnya,
Kerana MALU juga si wanita gagal
diperdayakan pujukan nafsu,
Kini si wanita itu sudah hilang
Kerana hilang MALU itu terdedahlah
auratnya lantas kehormatan dirinya
Kerana hilang MALU itu si wanita gagal
menilai apa itu HARAM dan apa itu
Kerana hilang MALU itu si wanita lemas
dan hanyut dengan tipu daya nafsu,
Aduhai..setiap lelaki juga dikurniakan
oleh ALLAH swt sifat malu,
Kerana MALU, si lelaki nasihatkan diri
dan si wanita agar bersama-sama jaga
maruah diri dan MENJAGA AURAT,
Kerana MALU, si lelaki mengingatkan
dan si wanita tentang batas-batas
Kerana MALU itu, si lelaki menjaga dan
mendidik nafsunya,
JANGAN mengajak si wanita berbuat DOSA.
Selalu mengingatkan dengan berkata "
Kina si lelaki sudah hilang MALUnya,
Kerana hilang MALU itu si lelaki
Kerana hilang MALU itu si lelaki lupa
tentang HUKUM ALLAH swt,
Kerana hilang MALU itu si lelaki
hilang taraf khalifahi,
Sabda Rasulullah saw,SESUNGGUHNYA MALU
Wahai si wanita dan si lelaki janganlah
menzalimi diri dengan meletakkan MALU
itu bukan pada tempatnya,
MALULAH kamu pada ALLAH swt kerana
ingkar akan suruhanNY..
MALUlah kamu dengan RASULULLAH saw
kerana meninggalkan sunahnya,
MALUlah kamu kerana lupa dan malas
membaca AL-QURAN,
MALUlah kamu kerana tidak menghormati
MALUlah kamu kerana melawan kata IBU
MALUlah kamu atas DOSA-DOSA kamu..!!
Maka percayalah bahawa MALU itu akan
menyelamatkan kita dari FAHSYAR dan
Nabi S.A.W bersabda: "Sampaikan dariku
walau satu ayat sekalipun.."(HR
Bukhari an Tirmizi)
Aduhai, setiap wanita dikurniakan ALLAH
swt dengan sifat MALU,
Kerana MALU si wanita tahu menjaga
Kerana Malu si wanita tahu menilai
batas-batas sosialnya,
Kerana MALU juga si wanita gagal
diperdayakan pujukan nafsu,
Kini si wanita itu sudah hilang
Kerana hilang MALU itu terdedahlah
auratnya lantas kehormatan dirinya
Kerana hilang MALU itu si wanita gagal
menilai apa itu HARAM dan apa itu
Kerana hilang MALU itu si wanita lemas
dan hanyut dengan tipu daya nafsu,
Aduhai..setiap lelaki juga dikurniakan
oleh ALLAH swt sifat malu,
Kerana MALU, si lelaki nasihatkan diri
dan si wanita agar bersama-sama jaga
maruah diri dan MENJAGA AURAT,
Kerana MALU, si lelaki mengingatkan
dan si wanita tentang batas-batas
Kerana MALU itu, si lelaki menjaga dan
mendidik nafsunya,
JANGAN mengajak si wanita berbuat DOSA.
Selalu mengingatkan dengan berkata "
Kina si lelaki sudah hilang MALUnya,
Kerana hilang MALU itu si lelaki
Kerana hilang MALU itu si lelaki lupa
tentang HUKUM ALLAH swt,
Kerana hilang MALU itu si lelaki
hilang taraf khalifahi,
Sabda Rasulullah saw,SESUNGGUHNYA MALU
Wahai si wanita dan si lelaki janganlah
menzalimi diri dengan meletakkan MALU
itu bukan pada tempatnya,
MALULAH kamu pada ALLAH swt kerana
ingkar akan suruhanNY..
MALUlah kamu dengan RASULULLAH saw
kerana meninggalkan sunahnya,
MALUlah kamu kerana lupa dan malas
membaca AL-QURAN,
MALUlah kamu kerana tidak menghormati
MALUlah kamu kerana melawan kata IBU
MALUlah kamu atas DOSA-DOSA kamu..!!
Maka percayalah bahawa MALU itu akan
menyelamatkan kita dari FAHSYAR dan
Nabi S.A.W bersabda: "Sampaikan dariku
walau satu ayat sekalipun.."(HR
Bukhari an Tirmizi)
Saturday, December 29, 2007
3 months..
3 months...may sound short but long enough to hav changes..
hmm..never know wut'll u'll get or find in this duration 0f 3 months..
new frenship bonds may b created..
foes culd b gone if there ever was one..
i guess the 3 months break im going thru is rili an unexpected one..d one i didnt c it comin..
been learning alot every single..
it's rili a duration of time dat i'll owiz treasure..
one of d tings dat rili mean a lot 2 me r d bonds dat r created..n d experience dat i go thru..
it's true when dey say dat we'll nver know wut 2 come's like a game or a mystery dat shuld b's sumting dat we wont c it comin..full of surprises..
thanx 2 all d ppl dat brighten up my hols....:)..:-*
hmm..never know wut'll u'll get or find in this duration 0f 3 months..
new frenship bonds may b created..
foes culd b gone if there ever was one..
i guess the 3 months break im going thru is rili an unexpected one..d one i didnt c it comin..
been learning alot every single..
it's rili a duration of time dat i'll owiz treasure..
one of d tings dat rili mean a lot 2 me r d bonds dat r created..n d experience dat i go thru..
it's true when dey say dat we'll nver know wut 2 come's like a game or a mystery dat shuld b's sumting dat we wont c it comin..full of surprises..
thanx 2 all d ppl dat brighten up my hols....:)..:-*
Friday, December 28, 2007
thoughts meandering around
i guess there are just some point in ur life when u juz get paranoid wif everyting around u..
wut other ppl say may rili matter,
wut other ppl tink may rili bother u,
wut ppl do may juz affect u..
i dunno,
myb it's juz dat sometimes we try 2 hav 2 please ppl so much(which is not a necessary ting 2 do).
i guess d best ting to do is juz b true to urself, b ur only self,
the 'tink n tink' tings shuld oso b thrown away,
far far away, i guess it shuld juz fade away,i wish it culd.
n i juz hav 2 say dat life is totally full of surprises,
u'll never know wut's gonna happen next,
it is rili a world of mystery,
some tings may juz grant a smile on ur face,
while some may juz keep u hanging on a thread...
wut other ppl say may rili matter,
wut other ppl tink may rili bother u,
wut ppl do may juz affect u..
i dunno,
myb it's juz dat sometimes we try 2 hav 2 please ppl so much(which is not a necessary ting 2 do).
i guess d best ting to do is juz b true to urself, b ur only self,
the 'tink n tink' tings shuld oso b thrown away,
far far away, i guess it shuld juz fade away,i wish it culd.
n i juz hav 2 say dat life is totally full of surprises,
u'll never know wut's gonna happen next,
it is rili a world of mystery,
some tings may juz grant a smile on ur face,
while some may juz keep u hanging on a thread...
a bit about myself
Hi, my name is: norlisa abdullah
but you can call me: lisa,noli,lis
Never in my life have I: never had regrets
The one person who can drive me nuts
is: my frenz
My high school is:
in many diff places
When I’m nervous: my hand xduduk diam
The last song I listened to was: chris daughtry-over you
If I were to get married right now it
would be with: someone i dun know who
My hair is: going to need a cut soon
When I was 4: i was in lower kindergarten
Last Christmas: in aussie, at home
I should be: praying subuh jap lagi
When I look down I see: my fav pillow
The happiest recent event was:
going out wif frenz
If I were a character on ‘Friends’ :
chandler myb or monica or phoebe ;p.
I have a hard time understanding:
y i juz hav 2 tink so much
There’s these girls: who rock my hols :D
If I won an award, the first person I
would tell would be: parents myb
I want to buy: beg smlm yg xjd beli.uwaa!
Where do you plan to
visit: melbourne kot
If you spent the night at my house:
it'll b fun
The world could do better without:
Most recent thing I’ve bought myself:
a bag
Most recent thing someone else bought
me: xinGt lak
My middle name is: confusion
In the morning I: im asleep
Last night I was: waTching movie wif my frenz
There’s this guy I know who:makes me wonder.
If I was an animal I’d be a: bird
A better name for me would be:
i like it dway it is
Tomorrow I am: gonna do normal routines
Tonight I am:sleep
My birthday is:few days b4 msian's independence
but you can call me: lisa,noli,lis
Never in my life have I: never had regrets
The one person who can drive me nuts
is: my frenz
My high school is:
in many diff places
When I’m nervous: my hand xduduk diam
The last song I listened to was: chris daughtry-over you
If I were to get married right now it
would be with: someone i dun know who
My hair is: going to need a cut soon
When I was 4: i was in lower kindergarten
Last Christmas: in aussie, at home
I should be: praying subuh jap lagi
When I look down I see: my fav pillow
The happiest recent event was:
going out wif frenz
If I were a character on ‘Friends’ :
chandler myb or monica or phoebe ;p.
I have a hard time understanding:
y i juz hav 2 tink so much
There’s these girls: who rock my hols :D
If I won an award, the first person I
would tell would be: parents myb
I want to buy: beg smlm yg xjd beli.uwaa!
Where do you plan to
visit: melbourne kot
If you spent the night at my house:
it'll b fun
The world could do better without:
Most recent thing I’ve bought myself:
a bag
Most recent thing someone else bought
me: xinGt lak
My middle name is: confusion
In the morning I: im asleep
Last night I was: waTching movie wif my frenz
There’s this guy I know who:makes me wonder.
If I was an animal I’d be a: bird
A better name for me would be:
i like it dway it is
Tomorrow I am: gonna do normal routines
Tonight I am:sleep
My birthday is:few days b4 msian's independence
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
juz a brief summary..
it's been long since i've written in here..smting's wrong wif my laptop..xle nk bukak...myb kene anta rite now juz hoping 4 d courtesy of other ppl utk bg pinjam laptop...hehe;p.. summer hols so has been quite an interesting one...spend most of my time wif sya n am..we smtimes tuka2 sleep in each other's of the highlights was the hari raya haji..ain n her family was at gold only d three of us yg cook....smgt2 je nk wut lontong,i made d rendang ayam n puding jagung, sya made d kuah kacang, agar2 laici n kuih konflakes.....n ade gak nasi impit n nasi beriyani...we had fun cooking, eventhough not much of us...we later invited d others yg ada to come over n eat...overall, it was ok..:)

Few days ago we went to olympic park looking for some sales stuff promoted in the tv..huhu..then jln2 kt city..until night..i juz like like d wandering around without much tujuan no stress or fuss n's christmas so most shops are closed....perhaps tomoro we plan 2 go smwhere...
i guess d summer hols here r not dat bad after all..but rite now i guess i juz hope i get a job soon..*sigh* summer hols so has been quite an interesting one...spend most of my time wif sya n am..we smtimes tuka2 sleep in each other's of the highlights was the hari raya haji..ain n her family was at gold only d three of us yg cook....smgt2 je nk wut lontong,i made d rendang ayam n puding jagung, sya made d kuah kacang, agar2 laici n kuih konflakes.....n ade gak nasi impit n nasi beriyani...we had fun cooking, eventhough not much of us...we later invited d others yg ada to come over n eat...overall, it was ok..:)
Few days ago we went to olympic park looking for some sales stuff promoted in the tv..huhu..then jln2 kt city..until night..i juz like like d wandering around without much tujuan no stress or fuss n's christmas so most shops are closed....perhaps tomoro we plan 2 go smwhere...
i guess d summer hols here r not dat bad after all..but rite now i guess i juz hope i get a job soon..*sigh*
Thursday, December 13, 2007
survey 4 d nite..
1)Whom did you last go out with?
:: amna
(2) Reach your hand out to the right.wut do u find.
:: a bottle
(3) What time did you sleep last night?
:: around 12
(4) What can you hear besides the
:: a song from my mp3
(5) Do you agree to the saying "to
Forgive is to forget"?
:: nope.forgiving is not forgetting
(6) When was the last time tears
started to roll down your cheek?
:: cant rmmber, but culd rmmber holding back tears though
(7) What/who makes you happy today?
:: hanging out wif amna at chatswood :)
(8) What makes you sad?
:: tings that culdnt be mend
(9) What are your favorite books?
:: long since i havent read a book.but will soon;p.used 2 like sophie kinsella's though
(10) What would you like to have
right at this moment which seems
totally impossible?
:: hmm.myb dat special sumting
(11) Who will you turn to if you have
a huge probLem?
:: Allah
(12) What was the best event that
happened last year?
:: smting in november
(13) Where did you go today?
:: chatswood, singgah centre n rmh senior
(14) Last thing you ate?
:: an apple
(15) Who are you with?
:: no one
(16) Have you gone to the beach
just with your buddies?
:: yup, it's nice 2 jalan2 at d beach
(17)Do you love sunsets?
:: yup, it's such a beauty
(18)When is your b-dy?
:: 26 aug
(19)Who do you wanna be with on the day
of your birthday?
:: ppl close wif me myb
(20) Have you ever felt that you've
been taken for granted?
:: yup
(21) thing/s you regret
:: hmm..rite now?..for buying smting in a diff colour tadi ;p
(22) Is there anything else you want to do besides answering this survey?
:: yes, kemas my bilik!
(23) Do you know how to play the
:: used 2 know a lil bit when i was little, but 4gotten oredi
(24) Who's the last person you texted?
:: amna
(25) KFC or Kenny Rogers?
:: kenny rogers. tq :D
(26) Beach or CAMPING?
:: hmm..dpends on d weather
(27) Do you find yourself lonely?
:: yeah, sumtimes
(28) Is there someone you're missing
:: yes, many ppl
(29 )Do you love someone right now?
:: love is a big word.
(30) Where did you go last Friday?
:: centre wif ain
(31) Last person that on the phone
:: amna
:: amna
(2) Reach your hand out to the right.wut do u find.
:: a bottle
(3) What time did you sleep last night?
:: around 12
(4) What can you hear besides the
:: a song from my mp3
(5) Do you agree to the saying "to
Forgive is to forget"?
:: nope.forgiving is not forgetting
(6) When was the last time tears
started to roll down your cheek?
:: cant rmmber, but culd rmmber holding back tears though
(7) What/who makes you happy today?
:: hanging out wif amna at chatswood :)
(8) What makes you sad?
:: tings that culdnt be mend
(9) What are your favorite books?
:: long since i havent read a book.but will soon;p.used 2 like sophie kinsella's though
(10) What would you like to have
right at this moment which seems
totally impossible?
:: hmm.myb dat special sumting
(11) Who will you turn to if you have
a huge probLem?
:: Allah
(12) What was the best event that
happened last year?
:: smting in november
(13) Where did you go today?
:: chatswood, singgah centre n rmh senior
(14) Last thing you ate?
:: an apple
(15) Who are you with?
:: no one
(16) Have you gone to the beach
just with your buddies?
:: yup, it's nice 2 jalan2 at d beach
(17)Do you love sunsets?
:: yup, it's such a beauty
(18)When is your b-dy?
:: 26 aug
(19)Who do you wanna be with on the day
of your birthday?
:: ppl close wif me myb
(20) Have you ever felt that you've
been taken for granted?
:: yup
(21) thing/s you regret
:: hmm..rite now?..for buying smting in a diff colour tadi ;p
(22) Is there anything else you want to do besides answering this survey?
:: yes, kemas my bilik!
(23) Do you know how to play the
:: used 2 know a lil bit when i was little, but 4gotten oredi
(24) Who's the last person you texted?
:: amna
(25) KFC or Kenny Rogers?
:: kenny rogers. tq :D
(26) Beach or CAMPING?
:: hmm..dpends on d weather
(27) Do you find yourself lonely?
:: yeah, sumtimes
(28) Is there someone you're missing
:: yes, many ppl
(29 )Do you love someone right now?
:: love is a big word.
(30) Where did you go last Friday?
:: centre wif ain
(31) Last person that on the phone
:: amna
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
trust it only me, or r there some people who really seem as if they culd easily be trusted..i dunno..but recently i guess i kind of easily trust people...usually i dont...but perhaps it may b bcoz of d chemistry or juz their nice attitude...well of course we never know whether they're faking it or someting, but on the surface, they juz seem as if they r really nice n easy to get along with.. of course there r some people who we do feel uncomfy wif, n we may have a sense of prejudice towards them...but on the d other hand, there r also some ppl who makes us trust them bcoz of their easy-going manner...well, i juz hope dat i don't do the wrong thing or get myself fooled dis time around..
Monday, December 10, 2007
who we r
i guess i hav 2 say dat the more we learn, d more we become more observant..sblm ni mcm xamik kesah sgt pn..i tink smtimes im kind of observant towards d ppl around me...based on what i can see, we r a result of how we r brought up in our family..i mean, our origins n ways of life at home, n the way of socializing wif our family, makes us who we r...well there are other factors that shape who we are..but i guess our family is rather one of the factors that distinguish who we juz saying this based on my observations...n from wut i can see..smtimes we may say, for e.g., 'dia ni mcm ni la, mcm tu la..'....but then later we may find out y..myb bcoz it's from the ways they r taught or treated in their family..we r all different people in this world..these differences brings d colourfulness of the world...but who m i 2 say anyway, everyone hav a rites 2 their own differences, or uniqueness..n ppl may also find me as a weird person or smting..haha...i guess d moral of d story is family determines who we r...we as 'future parents' must shape our 'future children' wisely for a better tomorrow..hahahahaha...ok, d end ;p
Thursday, December 6, 2007
a speak of mind
i guess smtimes there's juz a stage in life when it feels as if u r juz confused wif everything..smtimes u may feel dat u dunno where u stand...n u dunno wut 2 do...n u dunno if u'r doing d right's sort of like d stuck- in- emotions feeling..d more u try 2 avoid situations, d more it comes to u..perhaps it's sort of d stage where u'r still finding urself...hmm...
today was quite a long day..
started d day by sending my frenz in front of d admin n waited for d airport shuttle 2 come..kind of had dat touched feeling 2 see them go away..
i guess, starting today, there'll only b a few of us left in macq coz most ppl wet 4 hols in msia..i hope i can survive dis 3 months here..huhu..i know some things may b hard..but ill juz try 2 go thru it all..
later in the day i went 2 chatswood n centre 2 drop in some resume..lookin 4 a job..huhuhu...even though i know that i'll definitely wont get some of d jobs dat i've applied 4..but i guess, it may not hurt to try..;p..searhed some thru d net as well..i guess now i know how hard it is 4 ppl 2 look 4 jobs...especially without much experiences like myself...
was kind of tired walking 2day, so i slept kind of early, but then woke up in d middle of d nite...n here i am writing my blog..;p..n myb stay up for a an sms from one of my bestfrens tonite when i was also of tinking bout her 2day...hmmm..i wonder if it's juz d instincts..some ppl say dat if u'r juz tinking too much bout smone , it means dat d person is also tinking bout u or myb u've also crossed dat person's mind at d moment...smtimes i find out dat it's true coz it does happen u tink so?...but i guess it culd juz b a pure coincidence..huhuhuh...
started d day by sending my frenz in front of d admin n waited for d airport shuttle 2 come..kind of had dat touched feeling 2 see them go away..
i guess, starting today, there'll only b a few of us left in macq coz most ppl wet 4 hols in msia..i hope i can survive dis 3 months here..huhu..i know some things may b hard..but ill juz try 2 go thru it all..
later in the day i went 2 chatswood n centre 2 drop in some resume..lookin 4 a job..huhuhu...even though i know that i'll definitely wont get some of d jobs dat i've applied 4..but i guess, it may not hurt to try..;p..searhed some thru d net as well..i guess now i know how hard it is 4 ppl 2 look 4 jobs...especially without much experiences like myself...
was kind of tired walking 2day, so i slept kind of early, but then woke up in d middle of d nite...n here i am writing my blog..;p..n myb stay up for a an sms from one of my bestfrens tonite when i was also of tinking bout her 2day...hmmm..i wonder if it's juz d instincts..some ppl say dat if u'r juz tinking too much bout smone , it means dat d person is also tinking bout u or myb u've also crossed dat person's mind at d moment...smtimes i find out dat it's true coz it does happen u tink so?...but i guess it culd juz b a pure coincidence..huhuhuh...
Monday, December 3, 2007
if only..
if only i was juz a bit braver,
if only i was juz a bit aware,
if only i juz had d strengths,
if only i was juz a bit stronger,
if only i had the chance,
n if only i culd turn back time,
then perhaps i could mend things or make things turn out d other way round..
but i guess these 'if' 'if' 'if' shuldnt even exist..
i often hear ppl saying dat it's not so good to say 'if only'..
perhaps things were juz meant 2 be as it is..
n i guess things shuld b accepted d way it it passes by..
if only i was juz a bit aware,
if only i juz had d strengths,
if only i was juz a bit stronger,
if only i had the chance,
n if only i culd turn back time,
then perhaps i could mend things or make things turn out d other way round..
but i guess these 'if' 'if' 'if' shuldnt even exist..
i often hear ppl saying dat it's not so good to say 'if only'..
perhaps things were juz meant 2 be as it is..
n i guess things shuld b accepted d way it it passes by..
jamie scott & the town
was juz browsing through youtube..n suddenly i came through dis singer..jamie scott & the town..haven't rili heard bout it..i tink he's from uk..if im not mistaken..juz heard a few songs and i really like their music..myb i kind of like these type of songs..hehe
these are some of their songs..huhu
Jamie Scott & The Town - When Will I See Your Face Again
Jamie Scott & The Town - Standing In The Rain
these are some of their songs..huhu
Jamie Scott & The Town - When Will I See Your Face Again
Jamie Scott & The Town - Standing In The Rain
Sunday, December 2, 2007
just a short one.
terlajak perahu bole undur, terlajak kata...xle nk wutpe dh..
i guess i juz smtimes say or do smting without tinking straight at first..
n after dat, baru nk ada second thoughts which is too late coz once said, culdnt change..
rili have 2 be wiser next time around..n dun lead myself 2 tings dat will be disappointing 4 urself n others too...sori if i i caused trouble due 2 some of my actions...
terlajak perahu bole undur, terlajak kata...xle nk wutpe dh..
i guess i juz smtimes say or do smting without tinking straight at first..
n after dat, baru nk ada second thoughts which is too late coz once said, culdnt change..
rili have 2 be wiser next time around..n dun lead myself 2 tings dat will be disappointing 4 urself n others too...sori if i i caused trouble due 2 some of my actions...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
juz d thoughts culd brighten up a day..
myb some ppl juz don't realize how much they bring an impact 2 other ppl's life..
smtimes it's just their company,
smtimes it's juz d tot of their existence,
smtimes it's juz d acknowledgment from them,
or perhaps juz d few words..or even d simple hello..
these are some of d small tings that culd paint a smile on another persons face,
n culd juz affect another person's life..
some ppl juz matter a lot 2 others..
whether they know it or not..
n culd juz unconciously make another person's day..:)
smtimes it's just their company,
smtimes it's juz d tot of their existence,
smtimes it's juz d acknowledgment from them,
or perhaps juz d few words..or even d simple hello..
these are some of d small tings that culd paint a smile on another persons face,
n culd juz affect another person's life..
some ppl juz matter a lot 2 others..
whether they know it or not..
n culd juz unconciously make another person's day..:)
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