Saturday, December 1, 2007

juz d thoughts culd brighten up a day..

myb some ppl juz don't realize how much they bring an impact 2 other ppl's life..
smtimes it's just their company,
smtimes it's juz d tot of their existence,
smtimes it's juz d acknowledgment from them,
or perhaps juz d few words..or even d simple hello..
these are some of d small tings that culd paint a smile on another persons face,
n culd juz affect another person's life..
some ppl juz matter a lot 2 others..
whether they know it or not..
n culd juz unconciously make another person's day..:)


rienmiel said...

yeah...dat's true =)
even a stranger could give an impact to us and thus be significant in our lives...

-LyS- said...

yup, stranger or no stranger..they might nver know how important they r 2 others.huhu